jueves, 27 de abril de 2017

Yoga science says that time, space and causality are only illusions. They are restrictions in our mind. Understanding causality is basic to remove the veil that obscures our vision.
Imagine that you are playing pool. You hit the ball with the stick, this ball hits another one that hits a few more and one of them finds a hole. What is the cause of this last event? The previous ball? The stick? You? The person that teach you how to play? The person who manufactured the stick and the table? Everything is needed.
When you analyse any event, you see that it is not possible to find only one cause. You see that the whole universe has been necessary for this event to happen. Everything is related and integrated. You think that you have done it due to your skills or experience playing but when you understand that causality is not real, you don’t think any more like this.
I look back at the story of my life and I see that things never happen as I wanted at the beginning. I see that the idea that I can control my life or that I am the cause of certain events is a great illusion. When you consider that the present event has a cause, you are in the mind. You are out. Get rid of the idea that you are the cause of the events and you will feel free. All the events of your life have a meaning for you. They give you information about you right now. They help you to tread your path, to know yourself. When you understand this point you see that you had never controlled anything. Then you start to see the world differently. You focus in the present moment since it has all that you need.
My experience is that all events happen spontaneously. The mind look for a reason. Why did you do this? For me asking “Why” is a nonsense and I have noticed that great masters never ask “Why”.
Causality implies that the cause must be separated from the effect in the space and time, so, causality, space and time are the tree faces of the same coin. They can't exist separated from each other. The truth is that there is only a fundamental oneness and separation is only a intellectual representation.

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